Kia ora


Monday, September 6, 2010

Checking in - Defining What You Long For (pg. 29)

The other day I needed to check in.  Nothing is wrong, I just needed to regroup and have some me space.  So, after we got home from a day trip to Padang, I sat in bed and opened up to page 29 of Beyond Intellect.
After reading the first page I thought that opening the book to that page was just perfect.  Because of time and distance over the past 12 years, I haven't been in one of my mom's classes but I have heard about the I Am and I Am Letting Go statements over my entire lifetime.

So, I decided to draw whatever images came to me.

For my I Am statement, this is the image I received:
"I found this shell while walking along my sacred beach.  The reason why I found this shell is because she is beautiful, is opalescent in colour and represents opulence.  In the sun she glistens like a pear.  I see so many hidden colours in her and if I just sit and watch her, she opens up and shows me more.  There are many layers to my shell.  The outside is soft and beautiful, and when I turn the shell around to the other side,  I see many compartments.  I don't know what animal used to live in the shell, but I know it was protected..  The shell is very fragile, even though she is also very strong."

For my I Am Letting Go statement I drew:
 A prickly porcupine.  "I am letting go of my prickly porcupine hurt self that always looks back to the past for answers in the present or future."

1 comment:

  1. Sara, I love your symbols for your I am and Letting go. I look forward to your writings because it lets me know how you are instead of what you are doing, which, though I am interested in that part, it is a heart gift to be included in your internal process. Thank you. I am starting my next six week group tomorrow evening so I am seeking out my own symbols since I participate in the process also. It's fun to be on the same page though separated by so many miles. I love you my sweetface. xoxo
