Kia ora


Thursday, July 28, 2011

A new idea...

I´ve had a lot of personal responses from friends and a couple of randoms (thanks everyone!) about wanting to try Beyond Intellect the same way that I use it... by asking a random question and opening up the book.

Not everyone has the book (yet!) so my mom and I were talking and perhaps there is a solution... you can privately email me that you would like a reading done for you, and then I can post what I find, using the same techniques I already use on this blog.

The magic about this is that you don´t even have to tell me what the question is.  You can just email and say "Hey chica.  Can you check your mum´s book?".  I will open the book to wherever I open it, and read what is there.  I´ll use my own intuition to identify the part that needs to be shared.  I will then post the answer from the book using either your initials or a name you want me to put or something anonymous, and then you can read what it says.

If it speaks to you then it would be wonderful if you could share why it was relevant to you or what you learned.

At this point, I´m thinking of starting a new blog for this experiment... but for right now, I´ll use this site.

And, I have one to share for "UE".

Acceptance page 48...

"You can begin to increase your ability to be more flexible in your personal and professional relationships when you can recognize your own and others´ developed and under-developed traits. You can use your knowledge of the four categories of reliability, congruence, openness, and acceptance to bring about cooperation, respect for diversity, and enhanced interpersonal effectiveness.

It is particularly useful to be aware of your under-developed traits.  That knowledge can be used to effectively analyze situations that are not turning out the way you hoped.

Practice performing the new behaviours you have pinpointed and you will find that interpersonal conflicts can be resolved easily and more effectively."

Lots of love,

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Your Happiness Quotient

As I´m still working on courting my "masculine" energy (and finding a balance with my feminine energy) I decided to just open up Beyond Intellect and see what it says.

It is REALLY good.

I think everyone would find a different meaning to the biography that Susan has cleverly shared about Happiness. 

Page 158 is where it is at my friends.  How does it speak to you?


Monday, July 25, 2011

Yup. My masculine energy is revved up (because my feminine energy feels totally misunderstood)

So, I decided that I was going to embrace my "masculine" energy this week, and see what happened.

So, these are some of the things that I did:

  • On Friday, I dyed my hair a darker colour because I was feeling like my hair was too light at the bottom and too dark at the top and I wanted a same consistency so that I would stand out. I´m sort of against hair dye because I think it´s bad for you, but I told myself "NO MORE WALLFLOWER Sara!"
  • On Friday, I told everyone at a party what my opinion is (and internally told myself that I make no apologies).
  • On Saturday, I felt like the biggest loud mouth in the world and wished to god that I would have kept all my thoughts to myself.
  • Lots of emails to friends and for work over the past week, and then about an hour later thinking that perhaps my friends and colleagues were offended by what I said because maybe what I said sounded heartless or wasn´t written in a pleasant enough way.
So, all in all, I think it has been a successful week of courting my "masculine" energy and feeling TOTALLY UNCOMFORTABLE... so I know my "feminine" energy is still in the driver´s seat.

I suppose this will be a work in progress as I haven´t quite found the balance I am after.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

"Mutual Respect" page 152


This evening I decided to open the book and see what it says.  No thinking about what I´m thinking about and then asking for an answer, just letting the answer come... and then I´ll find out what the question was!

Well. I just read it, and for me, I took it as a reminder that I need to up my masculine energy.  Lately I have been feeling like I´m the smallest mouse in the room with the tiniest voice.  People interrupt me mid-sentence all the time, or something happens just as I get to something important to say, and so the conversation is cut short.

I´m feeling a bit of a wall flower lately and I want to shine dagnabbit!

So... this week will be about courting my masculine energy.  Let´s see what happens...

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Cheers to chosen pain!

Well, 9 months later and what do I have to show?  I think visibly I have a few more lines on my face, and a few more grey hairs.  But, all in all, I am happy and healthy.

I emailed my best friend from high school today, and it was funny to realise how much of a Gemini I really am.  Sometimes I like to think that I am less Gemini.  But, nope, I´m all mercurial.  That is me!

It has been difficult to write lately, because so much change has been going on.  All self induced, but nonetheless heart-wrenching and painful.  In some ways I think that if pain just happens to you, you can at least find comfort in it being totally random and out of your control.  When you feel pain because of choices that you have to make... then the responsibility lies entirely with you.

You go through the pain of the experience of the choice you have made, and all that you can think is ‘you chose this' (so stop feeling sad).

But just because you make the choice, doesn´t make it less painful or less sad.  And, maybe your choice was less painful than the choice of continuing on in a way that was not working.


Let´s see what Beyond Intellect has for me today... I opened the book to page 18, and my eyes went to "A Path With Heart".

After reading a few pages, what I am gleaning from the information within, is that, I need to remind myself that I have my permission to live my life based on what works for me.  And that I am not bad, or wrong for choosing what no longer worked for me.